Ecological Insights: Exploring Tramore's Natural Heritage | Waterford

Audience: Adult

This year, as part of Bealtaine Living Earth Festival, the Lafcadio Hearn Japanese Gardens will be host to an afternoon of informative talks and atmospheric music.
In collaboration with Tramore Eco Group, our guest speakers will provide visitors with insight on the ecology of Tramore, and the local sand dunes which can be seen from the gardens.

Speakers: Catherine Twoomey, Katrina Bent, Chris Betts and Damien Nicolls. All are available for Q&A afterwards.

Visitors can also enjoy a walk through the Japanese Gardens, where music will be provided by the Bealtaine Choir. It promises to be a memorable afternoon.

From 12:00 PM (noon) to 2:00 PM

FREE event, BOOKING essential. Book HERE